Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Get the real facts on salt!

Has your clever medical practitioner told you to avoid salt? Nothing could be further from the truth. Salt plays a very important role in the body’s biological patterns and digestion. Have you ever heard the saying "Are you worth your grain of salt"? This saying was common many years ago during world wars when scientists realized the importance of this valuable nutrient especially during times of famine and hardship as it helped body’s process nutrients more effectively. 

Figure 1

Back then salt was a very rare commodity. Soldiers actually lined up for their daily dose and workers where often paid with a grain of salt, hence the saying... Today’s daily fast throw away life maybe much different, however our bodies have not changed that much. We all still require this valuable nutrient, however for many, it comes supplied in an overly processed, bleached, deodorized a bio unusable form.

Today’s highly processed packaged foods contain an abundant amount of a white substance labeled as ‘salt’ (as figure 1. shows). The paddocks which grow our fresh fruits and vegetables are sown over and over and over again continually churning out fresh produce minus the important trace minerals supposed to of been retained in the soil and in the fresh produce. So the next time you hear someone suggest you should ‘avoid salt’, this isn’t technically correct.

What is correct is that we should avoid highly processed foods containing large amounts of this inorganic substance, try to buy your fresh produce from organic farms where they rotate the crops from paddock to paddock to give the soil time to regenerate or even better grow your own... Shop for unrefined, unprocessed salt – it should be pink or grey in colour (see figure 2) and get sprinkling on your eggs and meats...

Figure 2

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Choc Coated Macadamias - By NoCheating! Recipes

Those of you on ketogenic or low carb recipes will really appreciate this little treat. Although they're both delicious and calorie-dense (a dangerous combination!), if you make a small amount and ration them amongst friends and family, you'll escape unharmed. Serve with your favourite UPS protein shake to balance the fats with a little more proteins.  This recipe would suit any high-fat, very low carbohydrate and glycogen depletion style diet. 

Serves 4


80g of unsalted, natural macadamia nuts
20g of melted coconut butter
2 tablespoons of organic, unprocessed cacao powder
1 serve of UPS Ultimate Slim in Belgian Chocolate
Stevia to taste (optional)


Melt the coconut butter and leave to cool slightly before stirring in the cacao powder, stevia and protein powder.
Mix very well so that no chunks remain and the mixture is glossy and smooth and slightly warm to the touch (but not hot! This will destroy the texture of your coating and make the protein powder chalky and unusable).

Prepare a "production line" by setting up the bowl of chocolate coating, the macadamias and a serving plate on your bench.
Take an even amount (about 1/2 tablespoon should do) and while the mixture is still slightly warm, place the macadamia onto the spoon with the chocolate mixture and carefully remove with your hands before rolling the chocolate around the nut with your palms, similar to if you were making protein balls.

The best method is to slightly cup one hand and apply pressure with the other. This will ensure the coating is even. If the nuts are not completely covered, add a little more mixture until none of the nut is showing. Repeat process until all nuts are coated and refrigerate until the chocolate is set.


Use more than one type of nut to make a "TV Mix" of cashews, brazil nuts and almonds
- If your energy density needs are very high due to an endurance event, hiking etc, add some dried fruit such as cranberries, apricots and mango slices

- You can use any flavour of protein with this recipe to make the coating - think of mixing it up with a little berrylicious or banana-coated freeze dried strawberries to make a "yoghurt" style coating
- Coat some high protein, low carb balls with the chocolate mixture before setting to make a chocolate truffle
- Use the nuts, truffles or chocolate coated dried fruit as garnishes or toppings for a high protein, low carb gateaux or torte for an anabolic topping on your favourite bodybuilders' birthday cake 

Nutritional info:

Calories: 246
Protein: 10.8g
Carbs: 2.6g (1.4g net)
Fat: 21.3g
Fibre: 1.2g
Sugar: 1.0g