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I write this blog in part to reach out to women and to hopefully shed some light on the reasons we all tend to fall back into the same trap(s). So in short, this blog is a reminder to YOU that you are not alone. This is called humane nature. But today we explore ways to avoid being stuck in life's traps and to be realistic in our decisions and perhaps take a little more initiative to get back to feeling on top of the world.
The main reason I write about this topic is because I have been going through this the past few weeks. But how long is too long to be stuck in a rut? I guess the answer is different for everyone but overall, if you are not bettering yourself or someone/something else during this period, then you have been in your rut too long. Chances are, the longer you sit around and blame life, work, relationships, lack of energy, being too busy etc, you have missed opportunities to get your self back onto the right track.
So lets talk about this for a minute.... What is the 'right track?' My honest answer is that is no 'right track', and that you will forever come to many crossroads but it will be entirely up to you to choose which direction you want to take. The truth is that none of us would ever know what lies ahead, no matter which track we take. We may have some ideas or feelings that may be telling us 'no take take that road' or 'dont take this one', but unless you know for sure which one NOT to take then you really only have two options; take any road that moves you forward or just stay at the crossroad and like most people, wait for the answers to come to you!
Okay, so where to from here? Like all of us, fear will most likely be the only thing stopping you from moving you forward. Why? Well because you don't have the answer's! We spend so much time worrying about the unknown that we forget to recognize, appreciate and accept what we have in this very moment. Focusing on the unknown (AKA fear) results in negative emotions deep within the subconscious. What you are telling yourself is that you are not strong enough to move forward. Did you get that? You are telling yourself that you don't have what it takes to make a change. Really? Do you believe that you don't have the ability to get up if you fall down?
Most of you reading this will be women, many perhaps you are mothers. Many will have memories of their mothers. Many of you will identify with the nurturing care and belief a mother gives to her child regardless of whether you are one or not. You see, when you were just a wee bub and fell the many thousands of time before you could learn to walk, you would never have once believed you couldn't do it. Why? Because a baby's brain has not yet developed or been exposed to the belief systems that are embedded into our own minds as we start to learn and absorb information into our brains. Mothers and loved ones around you would have been encouraging and cheering you one to get up and try again. But even more amazingly, the innate humane strength would have naturally been telling you to get up and try again, because this is what you are meant to do. You will fall, you will bump your head, you may even break a bone......but you will heal.
As we learn and develop, we are exposed to others beliefs or lack of and we forget we have the choice to believe in their beliefs or ignore them. We somehow lose the ability to recognize that words and doubts are not a reflection of who we are and what we can be. It is the actions we take ourselves that defines us. Not what someone says to you! You can quit smoking if you want to..... you can apply for that dream job.....you can lose the body fat you let creep up on you, you can say NO, you can get up earlier, eat better, say nicer things and you most certainly walk away from anything that is negative in your life and believe that you are and can be truly happy and understand that the road to happiness is not always going to be easy. We must remember that fear will creep in from time to time but in order to move forward we all must live in the moment and appreciate what we do have and what we do have control over. For if you really believe you haven't got anything to appreciate now, then whats stopping you from finding out what lies ahead? Don't be a mouse and go for the cheese! Keep walking.......