Monday, March 19, 2012

How much protein do I really need?

I get asked all the time about how many protein shakes a day someone should consume. What people fail to realise is that its not how many shakes you should have but rather how many grams of protein per day you should be consuming.....

"Supplements" are designed to supplement an already good established nutrition plan or to "top up" not become your main intake. One should never ever underestimate the value of "food".

Food controls many biological signals inside the human body to stimulate metabolism, release hormones, signals to uptake nutrients etc.

Now getting back to just how much protein does one really need. Well naturally there are going to be many factors and influences for each and every situation. I obviously cant advise for every single person and there individual situations but all we can do for the purpose of article is surmise.

If you believe the government RDI (recommended dietary intake) for protein it is 0.8g per kg of body weight. So for a 100kg person that would be 80g of protein per day. (approx 2x chicken breasts). I don't know about you but what I've witnessed in the general public arena is that i doubt many people are even getting that low amount...

Now if your weight training or exercising and looking to increase muscle size/recovery/speed up metabolism it is well known amongst athletes and professionals that a minimum intake of 2.5-3g per kg of body weight of protein per day is required. So for the 100kg person that would be 250-300g of protein per day. (approx 6-7 chicken breasts).

This is where supplements come in. Not many people can physically or financially consume 6-7 chicken breasts each and every day. But most serious athletes will be able to consume 3-4 chicken breasts or protein meals. Then by adding 2-3 quality protein shakes on top of that will provide you with your desired protein intake.

I highly recoomend these products: Ultimate Slim, which is a high protein, low fat and low carb shake that has added fat burning enhancers for those trying to shed fat stores or Ultimate Sustain, which also a high protein, low fat, low carb shake (without the fat burning enhancers). Both products are suitable for men and women. Go to the link below to read more on these products.

Ultimate Performance Supplements