I had already received the medical diagnosis of Lupus and no other support from doctors to heal this condition. Now I had received a report from Helena (Holistic & Clinical Nutritionist) in a 200 page book which in it contains a full analysis of my personal blood chemistries, what they mean and how I can heal. The first thing I needed, was to get an understanding of the Health Model VS the Disease Model.
[The Disease Model is based on the assumption that the health is simply the absence of disease and established risk factors. When medicine is practiced this way, a doctor is expected to assume that disease is mostly the result of flaws in the genetic pool. As a result, the focus of treatment is on making a diagnosis, putting a label on that diagnosis, and then treating the label. This approach works well in crisis situation, such as heart attack, but fails miserably when used to handle chronic disease toxicities and infections. The flaw rests in the fact that symptoms and risk factors are less often the cause (and more often a reflection) of underlying defects. As a result, treating the symptom by dictating to the body what you would like to have happen (rather than supporting natural mechanisms) does little more than hide the underlying defect.
The Health Model begins, instead, with the premise that it is necessary to know how something works in order to repair or improve it. It further proposes that health changes must be addressed from the perspective of their impact on total health, rather than just focusing on how a procedure impacts a specific symptom. The Health Model addresses health from a broader framework than the conventional approach.]
To get started I was required to begin with a 7 day detox. Believe me, it’s nothing like what you would expect or even heard of. From the day I begin my detox, I would also be commencing a specific eating regime for my blood chemistries and to heal. I needed to be completely free of coffee, all dairies, no fish, no soft drinks (which I don’t consume anyway), no fruits, no sugar free anything, but follow my new 3 meal a day diet which was high in fats (from butter, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, nuts) totaling 250g , protein from animal sources totaling (70g)and carbohydrates from vegetables totaling 150g. The ‘tonic’ that assisted my detox was also made up of pure fat from butter. I needed to keep drinking water (lots of it), stop weight training, only do a gentle walk in the mornings and use a sauna daily for 25 minutes.
Needless to say that having been in the health industry for many years and knowing essential fats were good, I really didn’t believe consuming 250g of it a day would be. Furthermore, my protein intake was literally cut down to half as well as my veggie intake. To top this off, I was meant to STOP weight training for a minimum 3 months? Geez…… But I made the fundamental choice to give this a go! Now the difference between seeing your GP or medical specialist is that they would not completely explain your results, nor would they do the type of testing I had, nor would they know how to help you in a natural way. They prescribe medications that are riddled with chemicals which cause toxic parties in your body and realistically only treat symptoms, not causes. My journey could only begin by flushing out toxic build up (which we all have in various amounts) and this was by far the hardest part….